Institut für Psychologie

Prof. Dr. Gudrun Sartory

Professor Gudrun Sartory, PhD
Dept. Clinical Psychology, FB G
University of Wuppertal
Max-Horkheimer-Strasse 20
D-42097 Wuppertal

Tel. +49 202 439 2722
Fax +49 202 439 3031



PhD, University of Vienna, Austria

1970 – 1986 Research psychologist, Lecturer, Senior Lecturer at the Institute of Psychiatry (Maudsley Hospital), University of London, UK

1986 - 2010 Professor of Clinical Psychology, University of Wuppertal

Nachruf Prof. Dr. Gudrun Sartory

Main Areas Of Research:

Anxiety disorders, schizophrenia

Cognitive behaviour therapy, psychophysiology, neuropsychology

Research Grants

1986 Controllability and phobic anxiety (Medical Research Council, UK)

1988 – 1992 Psychological treatment supporting tranquilizer withdrawal (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, DFG)

1991 – 1992 Epidemiology of pediatric headache (Ministerium für Wissenschaft und Forschung (MWF) des Landes Nordrhein Westfalen

1991 – 1993 Computerized cognitive rehabilitation in children with closed head injury (MWF)

1992 – 1994 Effects of a pre-treatment intervention in panic disorder (Dept. Employment)

1992 – 1994 Evaluation of a psychological intervention in panic disorder (Arbeitsamt)

1992 – 1995 Slow potentials in and treatment of pediatric migraine (BMFT; Bundesminister für Forschung und Technologie)

1995 – 1999 Neuropsychological and –physiological functions of associative learning in schizophrenia (DFG)

1997 – 1998 Cognitive function in elderly diabetes patients (Diabetes-Stiftung)

1996 – 2002 Selective attentional bias in phobic anxiety (DFG, SA 735/1-3)

1999 – 2003 Psychophysiological reactions and cognitive avoidance in posttraumatic stress disorder (DFG, SA 735/4-3)

2002 – 2004 Functional magnetic resonance imaging of cognition processing in schizophrenia (NRW Graduiertenkolleg)

2002 – 2007 Prediction of avoidance in dental phobia (DFG, SA 735/13-1))

2003 – 2007 Treatment of acute stress disorder (DFG, SA 735/4-4)

2007 – 2009 Stimulus context and exposure therapy in dental phobia (DFG, SA 735/16-1)

2007 – 2009 Psychotherapy of psychotic symptoms (BMBF)

2008 – 2010 Neuroimaging and trauma memory in acute stress disorder (DFG, SA 735/18-1)

2009 – 2011 Cognitive behaviour therapy for elderly patients with schizophrenia (BMBF)

2009 – 2011 Cognitive remediation and Mismatch Negativity in schizophrenia (DFG, SA 735/19-1)




Journal articles:

  1. Eysenck, H.J. & Sartory, G. (1971). Leistung und Reminiszenz am Pursuit rotor und beim Spiegelzeichnen in Abhängigkeit von Aktivation, Pausenlänge und Persönlichkeitsvariablen. Zeitschrift für exp. und angew. Psychol., XVIII, 525-557.
  2. Sartory, G. & Rust, J. (1973). The effects of single administration of Etifoxine on several psychological tests. Psychopharmacologia, 29, 365-384.
  3. Sartory, G. & Eysenck, H.J. (1976). Strain differences in aquisition and extinction of fear responses in rats. Psychological Reports, 38, 163-187.
  4. Sartory, G. (1977). The fearless avoiders: Comparison of various strains of rats in an active avoidance task. Behaviour Research & Therapy, 15, 149-157.
  5. Sartory, G. Rachman, S. & Grey, S.J. (1977). An investigation of the relation between reported fear and heart rate. Behaviour Research & Therapy, 15, 435-438.
  6. Sartory, G. & Eysenck, H.J. (1978). Fear conditioning and extinction in rats at different times of day. Journal of General Psychology, 99, 87-92.
  7. McDonald, R., Sartory, G., Grey, S.J., Cobb, J., Stern, R.S. & Marks,I. (1979). The effects of self exposure on agoraphobic outpatients. Behaviour Research & Therapy, 17, 83-85.
  8. Grey, S.J., Sartory, G. & Rachman, S. (1979). Synchronous and desynchronous changes during fear reduction. Behaviour Research & Therapy, 17, 137-147.
  9. Rachman, S., Cobb, J., Grey, S.J., McDonald, R., Mawson, D., Sartory, G. & Stern, R. (1979). The behavioural treatment of disorders, with and without obsessional compulsive disorders, with and without clomipramine. Behaviour Research & Therapy, 17, 467-478.
  10. Turpin, G. & Sartory, G. (1980). Effects of stimulus position in the respiratory cycle on the evoked cardiac response. Physiological Psychology, 8, 503-508.
  11. Sartory, G. & Grey, S.J. (1981). Personality and treatment outcome in obsessional compulsive patients. Behavioural Psychotherapy, 9, 34-45.
  12. Grey, S.J., Rachman, S. & Sartory, G. (1981). Return of fear: The role of inhibition. Behaviour Research & Therapy, 19, 135-143.
  13. Sartory, G. (1981). Some psychophysiological issues in behavioural psychotherapy. Behavioural Psychotherapy, 9, 215-230.
  14. Sartory, G., Rachman, S. & Grey, S.J.(1982). Return of fear: The role of 'rehearsal'. Behaviour Research & Therapy, 20, 123-133.
  15. Gudjonsson, G.H. & Sartory, G. (1983). Blood injury phobia: 'A reasonable excuse' for failing to give blood specimen in a case of suspected drunken driving. J. Forensic Science Society, 23, 197-201.
  16. Sartory, G. (1983). Benzodiazepines and Behavioural Treatment of Phobic anxiety. Behavioural Psychotherapy, 11, 204-217.
  17. Sartory, G. & Master, D. (1984). Contingent negative variation in obsessional compulsive patients. Biol. Psychology, 18, 253-267.
  18. Sartory, G. (1986). The effect of phobic anxiety on the orienting reflex. Behaviour Research & Therapy, 24, 251-261.
  19. Sartory, G., Eves, F. & Foa, E. (1987). Maintenance of within and between session habituation of cardiac responses to phobic stimulation. Journal of Psychophysiology, 1, 21-34.
  20. Legarda, J.J., Bradley, B.P. & Sartory, G. (1987). Subjective and psychophysiological effects of drug related cues in drug users. Journal of Psychophysiology, 1, 393-400.
  21. Sartory, G. & Olajide, D. (1988). Vagal innervation techniques in the treatment of panic disorder. Behaviour Research & Therapy, 26, 431-434.
  22. Sartory, G., Master, D. & Rachman, S. (1989). Safety signal therapy in agoraphobics. Behavioural Research & Therapy, 27, 205-209.
  23. Legarda, J. J., Bradley, B.P. & Sartory, G.(1990). Effects of drug related cues in current and former opiate users. Journal of Psychophysiology, 4, 25-31.
  24. Sartory, G., MacDonald, R. & Gray, J.A. (1990). Effects of diazepam on approach, self reported fear and psychophysiological responses in snake phobics. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 28, 273-282.
  25. Sartory, G. und Maurer, J. (1991). Psychologische Behandlung zur Unterstützung des ambulanten Benzodiazepinentzuges. Psychologische Rundschau, 42, 187-194.
  26. Jahanshahi, M., Sartory, G. & Marsden, D. (1991). EMG biofeedback treatment of torticollis: A controlled outcome study. Biofeedback and Self Regulation, 16, 413-448.
  27. Sartory, G. (1992). Psychobiologische Aspekte von Zwängen in Diagnostik und Behandlung. Verhaltensmodifikation und Verhaltensmedizin, 13, 21-43.
  28. Sartory, G. & Daum, I. (1992). Effects of instrumental controllability on the phasic cardiac response and subjective fear of phobic stimulation. Journal of Psychophysiology, 6, 131-139.
  29. Sartory, G. & Brandl, A. (1992). Psychodiagnostische Erfassung von Krebspatienten in der Nachversorgung. Zeitschrift für Klinische Psychologie, XXI, 239-250.
  30. Sartory, G., Roth, W.T. & Kopell, M.L. (1992). Psychophysiological assessment of driving phobia. Journal of Psychophysiology, 6, 311-320.
  31. Besken, E., Pothmann, R., Sartory, G. (1993). Contingent negative variation in childhood migraine. Cephalalgia, 13, 42-43.
  32. Elsesser, K., v. Berkel, M., Sartory, G., Bierman Göcke, & Öhl, S. (1994). The effects of anxiety management training on psychological variables and immune parameters. Behavioural Psychotherapy 22, 13-23.
  33. Steingass, H.P., Sartory, G. & Canavan, A.G.M. (1994). Chronic alcohol abuse and cognitive function: General decline or patterned impairment? Personality, individ. Diff., 17, 97-109.
  34. Steingass, H.P., Bobring, K.H., Burgart, F., Sartory, G. & Schugens, M. (1994). Memory training in alcoholics. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, 4, 49-62.
  35. Pothmann, R., v. Frankenberg, S., Müller, B., Sartory, G. & Hellmeier, W. (1994). Epidemiology of headache in children and adolescents. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 1, 76-89.
  36. Metsch, J., Tillil, H., Köbberling, J. & Sartory, G. (1995). On the relation among psychological distress, diabetes-related health behavior, and level of glycosylated hemoglobin in Type I diabetes. International Journal of Behavior Medicine 2, 104-117.
  37. Elsesser, K., Sartory, G. & Maurer, J.(1996) The efficacy of complaints management training in facilitating benzodiazepine withdrawal. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 34, 149-156.
  38. Sartory, G., Besken, E. & Pothmann, R. (1997) The Contingent Negative Variation in childhood migraine. Journal of Psychophysiology, 11, 138-146.
  39. Oades, R. D. & Sartory, G. (Hrsg.) (1997) Psychobiology of Learned Inattention. Behavioural Brain Research, 88, 1 (Special Issue).
  40. Oades, R. D. & Sartory, G. (1997) The problems of inattention: Methods and interpretations. Behavioural Brain Research, 88, 3-10.
  41. Sprengelmayer, R., Young, A. W., Pundt, I., Sprengelmayer, A., Calder, A. J., Berrios, G., Winkel, R., Vollmöller, W., Kuhn, W., Sartory, G. & Przuntek, H. (1997). Disgust implicated in obsessive-compulsive disorder. Proc. Royal Society of London B., 264, 1767-1773.
  42. Elsesser, K. & Sartory, G. (1998) Outcome predictors of benzodiazepine withdrawal. Cognitive and Behavioral Psychotherapy, 26, 209-217.
  43. Sartory, G., Müller, B., Metsch, J. & Pothmann, R. A. (1998) A comparison of psychological and pharmacological treatment of pediatric migraine. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 36, 1155-1170.
  44. Young, D., Bailey, C., Davila, R., Griese, J., Sartory, G., Thom, A. & Zakzonis, K. (1998) Further parameters of insight and neuropsychological deficit in schizophrenia and other chronic mental disease. The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 186, 44-50.
  45. Sartory, G., Gillessen, V., Grotemeyer, K.H. & Elbert, T. (1999) The Contingent Magnetic Variation in migraine. Journal of Psychophysiology, 13, 215-223.
  46. Jöhren, P., Jackowski, J., Gangler, P., Sartory, G. & Thom, A. (2000) Fear reduction in patients with dental treatment phobia. British Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, 38, 612-616.
  47. Jöhren, P., Thom, A.& Sartory, G. (2000) Präoperative Vorbereitung von Patienten mit Zahnbehandlungsphobie. Deutsche Zahnärztliche Zeitung, 55, 273-277.
  48. Jöhren, P., Tarsaev, J., Jackowski, J. & Sartory, G. (2000) Zahnbehandlungsangst, Zahnbehandlungsphobie. Das Deutsche Zahnärzteblatt, 109, 35-39.
  49. Oades, R. D., Rao, M. L., Bender, S., Sartory, G. & Müller, B. W. (2000) Neuropsychological and conditioned blocking performance in patients with schizophrenia: assessment of the contribution of neuroleptic dose, serum levels and dopamine D2-receptor occupancy. Behavioural Pharmacology, 11, 317-330.
  50. Thom, A., Sartory, G., & Jöhren, P. (2000) Comparison of one-session treatment and benzodiazepine in dental phobia. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 68, 378-387.
  51. Oades, R. D., Müller, B. W., Bender, S. & Sartory, G. (2001) Neuropsychological indicators of heteromodal cortex (dys)function relevant to the expression and impairment of conditioned blocking measures of attention. Cognitive Neuropsychiatry, 6, 41-61.
  52. Grzella, I., Müller, B. W., Oades, R. D., Bender, S., Schall, U., Zerbin, D., Wolstein, J. & Sartory, G. (2001) Novelty-elicited mismatch negativity in patients with schizophrenia on admission and discharge. Jounal of Psychiatry and Neuroscience, 26, 235-246.
  53. Sartory, G. , Thom, A., Griese, J., Young, D., Butorac, M., Pokraja-Bulian, A. & Sendula, M. (2001). Lack of Insight and Concomitant Neuropsychological Deficits in Schizophrenia. Zeitschrift für Neuropsychologie, 12, 54-60.
  54. Bender, S., Müller, B., Oades, R. D. & Sartory, G. (2001) Conditioned blocking and schizophrenia: a replication with an examination of the role of symptoms, age, onset-age and illness duration. Schizophrenia Research, 49, 157-170.
  55. Müller, B., Sartory, G. & Tackenberg, A. (2002) The movement-related potential in children with migraine and tension type headache. Cephalalgia, 22, 125-131.
  56. Elsesser, K., Mosch, A. & Sartory, G. (2002). Brief psychological treatment for the relief of panic disorder. Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy, 30, 537-541.
  57. Sartory, G., Heine, A., Müller, B. & Elvermann, A. (2002) Event- and motor-related potentials during the Continuous Performance Task in Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. Journal of Psychophysiology, 16, 97-106.
  58. Jöhren, P. & Sartory, G. (2002) Die Zahnbehandlungsphobie - Differentialdiagnosen und Behandlungsmöglichkeiten. Quintessenz Team-Journal, 32, 595-603.
  59. Müller, B., Sartory, G. & Bender, S. (2004) Neuropsychological deficits and concomitant clinical symptoms in schizophrenia. European Journal of Psychology, 9, 96 -106.
  60. Elsesser, K., Sartory, G. & Tackenberg, A. (2004) Attention, heart rate and startle response during exposure to trauma-relevant pictures: A comparison of recent trauma victims and patients with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 113, 289-301.
  61. Wardle, J., Steptoe, A., Gulis, G., Sartory, G., Sek, H., Todorova, I., Vögele, C. & Zairko, M. (2004) Depression, perceived control and life satisfaction in university students from Central-Eastern and Western Europe. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 11, 27-36.
  62. Linka, Th., Müller, B.W., Bender, S. & Sartory, G. (2004) The intensity dependence of the auditory evoked N1 component as a predictor of response to Citalopram treatment in patients with major depression. Neuroscience Letters, 367, 375-378.
  63. Linka, Th., Müller, B.W., Bender, S., Sartory, G. & Gastpar, M. (2005) The intensity dependence of auditory evoked ERP components predicts responsiveness to Reboxetine treatment in major depression. Pharmacopsychiatry, 38, 139-143.
  64. Hagemann, R., Sartory, G., Hader, C. & Köbberling, J. (2005) Mood and cognitive function in elderly diabetic patients living in care facilities. Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders, 19, 369-375.
  65. Sartory, G., Zorn, C., Groetzinger, G. & Windgassen, K. (2005) Computerized cognitive remediation improves verbal learning and processing speed in schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Research, 75, 219-223.
  66. Elsesser, K., Sartory, G. & Tackenberg, A. (2005) Initial symptoms and reaction to trauma-related stimuli and the development of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. Depression and Anxiety, 21, 61-70.
  67. Heinze, S., Sartory, G., Müller, B.W., de Greiff, A., Forsting, M. & Jüptner, M. (2006) Neural activation during successful and unsuccessful verbal learning in schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Research, 83, 121-130.
  68. Heinze, S., Sartory, G., Müller, B.W., de Greiff, A., Forsting, M. & Jüptner, M. (2006) Neural encoding correlates of high and low verbal memory performance. J. Psychophysiology, 20, 68-78.
  69. Elsesser, K., Heuschen, I., Pundt, I. & Sartory, G. (2006) Attentional bias and evoked heart-rate response in specific phobia. Cognition and Emotion, 20, 1092-1107.
  70. Sartory, G., Heinen, R., Pundt, I. & Jöhren, P. (2006) Dimensions of dental anxiety and predictors of avoidance. Anxiety, Stress and Coping, 19, 279-291.
  71. Müller, B.W., Gimpel, K., Keller-Pließnig, A., Sartory, G., Gastpar, M. & Davids, E. (2007) Neuropsychological assessment of adult patients with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience, 257, 112-119.
  72. Schmid-Leuz, B., Elsesser, K., Lohrmann, T., Jöhren, P. & Sartory, G. (2007) Attention focusing versus distraction during exposure in dental phobics. Behaviour Research & Therapy, 45, 2691-2703.
  73. Linka, T., Sartory, G., Bender, S., Gastpar, M. & Müller, B.W. (2007) The intensity dependence of auditory ERP components in unmedicated patients with major depression and healthy controls. An analysis of group differences. Journal of Affective Disorders, 103, 139-145.
  74. Elsesser, K. & Sartory, G. (2007) Memory performance and dysfunctional cognitions in recent trauma victims and patients with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, 14, 464-474.
  75. Elsesser, K., Freyth, C., Lohrmann, T. & Sartory, G. (2008) Startle reactivity and peritraumatic dissociation in acute stress disorder. Journal of Psychophysiology, 22, 185-194.
  76. Jöhren, H.-P., Enkling, N., Heinen, R. & Sartory, G. (2009) Klinischer Erfolg einer verhaltenstherapeutischen Kurzintervention zur Behandlung von Zahnbehandlungsphobie. Deutsche Zahnärztliche Zeitung, 64, 66-71.
  77. Klingberg, S., Wittorf, A., Bechdolf, A., Herrlich, J., Kircher, T., Köning, H.H., Müller, B., Sartory, G., Wagner, M., Wiedemann, G., Wölwer, W. & Buchkremer, G. (2009) Psychotherapieforschung zur Kognitiven Verhaltenstherapie bei Positiv-Symptomen psychotischer Störungen. Psychotherapie, Psychosomatik, Medizinische Psychologie, 59, 1-8.
  78. Sartory, G., Heinen, R., Wannemüller, A., Lohrmann, T. & Jöhren, P. (2009) Die modulierte Schreckreaktion bei Zahnbehandlungsphobie. Zeitschrift für Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie, 38.
  79. Linka, T., Sartory, G., Wiltfang, J., Müller, B. (2009) Treatment effects of serotonergic and noradrenergic antidepressants on the intensity dependence of auditory ERP components in major depression. Neuroscience Letters, 463 (1), 26-30.
  80. Elsesser, K., Freyth, C., Lohrmann, T. & Sartory, G. (2009) Dysfunctional cognitive appraisal and psychophysiological reactivity in acute stress disorder. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 23, 979-985.


Book Chapters

  1. Sartory, G. & Lader, M. (1981). Psychophysiology and drugs in anxiety and phobias. In Christie, H.J. & Mellett, P.G. (Eds.) Foundations of Psychosomatics. John Wiley & Sons.
  2. Sartory, G. (1983). Orienting and Psychopathology: Anxiety and Phobias. In: Siddle, D. (Ed.) Orienting and Habituation: Perspectives in Human Research. John Wiley & Sons.
  3. Sartory, G. (1985). The CNV in psychiatric states. In: Papakostopoulos,D., Butler,S. & Martin, I.: Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychophysiology. London: Croom Helm.
  4. Sartory, G. (1989). Obsessional compulsive Disorder. In: Turpin,G. (Ed.) Handbook of Clinical Psychophysiology. J. Wiley & Sons.
  5. Sartory, G. & Daum, I. (1990). Does controllability reduce phobic anxiety? In: Zapotoczky, H.G. & Wenzel, T. (eds). The Scientific Dialogue: From Basic Research to Clinical Intervention. Amsterdam: Swets & Zeitlinger.
  6. v.Frankenberg, S., Pothmann, R., Müller, B., Britzelmeier, I., Backmerhoff, A., Sartory, G., Hellmeier, W., Wolff, M. (1992). Kinderkopfschmerz: Epidemiologie von Kopfschmerzen bei Schulkindern. In: Köhler, B. (Hg.), Aktuelle Neuropädiatrie, Springer, Berlin (433-435).
  7. Besken, E., Pothmann, R., Niederberger, U., Plump, U. & Sartory, G. (1992). Metropolol und Dihydroergotaminprophylaxe kindlicher Migräne. Aktuelle Neuropädiatrie. Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg.
  8. Sartory, G. (1993). The associative network of fear: How does it come about? In: Birbaumer, N. & Öhman, A. (eds.). The organisation of emotion. Psychophysiological approaches to the structure of emotion. Hogrefe, Toronto.
  9. Sartory, G. (1994). Depression beim Parkinson Syndrom: Reaktion auf die motorische Beeinträchtigung oder Teil der kognitiven Defizite? In: Bartussek, D. & Amelang, M. (eds.) Fortschritte der differentiellen Psychologie und psychologischen Diagnostik. Göttingen: Hogrefe.
  10. Pothmann, R., Sartory, G. & Koehler, A. (1996) Ambulante kognitive Rehabilitation nach Schädelhirntrauma. In Gross-Selbeck, G. (Hrsg.) Aktuelle Neuropädiatrie 1995. Ciba-Geigy Verlag, Wehr.
  11. Sartory, G. (1996) Neuropsychologische Grundlagen der Klinischen Psychologie. In: A. Ehlers & K. Hahlweg (Hrsg.) Grundlagen der Klinischen Psychologie. Enzyklopädie der Psychologie, Themenbereich D, Band 1, 903-936. Göttingen: Hogrefe.
  12. Sartory, G. & Mosch, A.. (1997) Selbstverbalisationstraining bei aufmerksamkeitsgestörten, hyperaktiven Kindern. In: Birner, U., Döhring, E. & Schweisfurth, H. (Hg.) Qualitätsmanagement und Interdisziplinarität in der pädiatrischen Rehabilitation (119-132). Profil-Verlag, München.
  13. Baltissen, R. & Sartory, G. (1998) Orientierungs-, Defensiv- und Schreckreaktionen in Grundlagenforschung und Anwendung. In: Enzyklopädie der Psychologie, Rösler, F. (Hrsg.) Ergebnisse und Anwendungen der Psychophysiologie, Hogrefe.
  14. Sartory, G. (1998) Disorder-Specificity of Attentional Dysregulation in Anxiety. In: Sanavio, E. (Ed.) Behaviour and Cognitive Therapy Today: Essays in Honor of Hans J. Eysenck. Elsevier Science, Oxford (241 - 247).
  15. Sartory, G. & Diener, H.-Ch. (2001) Kopfschmerz und Migräne. In: Flor, H., Hahlweg, K. & Birbaumer, N. (eds.) Verhaltensmedizin. Enzyklopädie der Psychologie, B Praxisgebiete, Hogrefe (S. 1-43).
  16. Elvermann-Hallner, A. & Sartory, G. (2001). Biofeedbackverfahren. In: Lauth, G. W. , Brack, U. B. , Linderkamp, F. (Hrsg.) Verhaltenstherapie mit Kindern und Jugendlichen, Weinheim: Beltz (S. 585-594).
  17. Sartory, G., Büttner, M., Elsesser, K. & Tackenberg, A. (2001) Psychophysiologische Korrelate der selektiven Aufmerksamkeitsprozesse bei phobischen Angststörungen. Dohrenbusch, R. & Kaspers, F. (Hrsg.) Fortschritte der Klinischen Psychologie und Verhaltensmedizin (S. 42-62). Lengerich: Pabst.
  18. Sartory, G. & Elsesser, K. (2002) Complaints management training. In Hersen & Sledge (eds.) Encyclopedia of Psychotherapy, Vol. 1. Elsevier Science (pp. 487-493).
  19. Sartory, G. (2003) Physiologische Maße der Angst und Vermeidung. In Hoyer, J. & Margraf, J. (Hrsg.) Angstdiagnostik. Grundlagen und Testverfahren. Berlin, Springer. (pp. 55-75).
  20. Sartory, G. (2004) Biologische Grundlagen der Angststörungen. In Schneider, S. (Ed.) Angststörungen bei Kindern und Jugendlichen (pp. 18-39). Berlin, Springer.
  21. Sartory, G. (2005) Panikstörung. In Petermann, F. & Reinecker, H. (Hrsg.) Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie. Handbuch der Psychologie, pp. 463-471. Göttingen: Hogrefe.
  22. Sartory, G. & Müller, B. (2008) Biofeedbackverfahren. In Lauth, Linderkamp, Schneider & Brack (Hrsg.) Verhaltenstherapie mit Kindern und Jugendlichen, 2. Aufl. Beltz, Weinheim (S. 764-774).
  23. Elsesser, K. & Sartory, G. (2009) Medikamentenabhängigkeit. In Margraf, J. & Schneider, S. (Hrsg.) Lehrbuch der Verhaltenstherapie. Springer, Berlin (383-405).




  1. Canavan, A.G.M. & Sartory, G. (1990). Klinische Neuropsychologie. Eine Einführung. Stuttgart: Ferdinand Enke Verlag.
  2. Sartory, G. & Metsch, J. (1995) (Hrsg., deutsche Fassung) Klinische Psychologie (Comer, R.J.). Spektrum, Heidelberg.
  3. Sartory, G. (1997) Angststörungen: Theorien und empirische Befunde, Diagnostik und Behandlung. Wissenschaftliche Buch Gesellschaft, Darmstadt.
  4. Elsesser, K. & Sartory, G. (2001). Medikamentenabhängigkeit. Göttingen: Hofgrefe.
  5. Sartory, G. (2001) (Hrsg. 2. Deutsche Fassung) KlinischePsychologie (Comer, R.J.). Spektrum, Heidelberg.
  6. Jöhren, P. & Sartory, G. (2002) Zahnbehandlungsangst - Zahnbehandlungsphobie. Hannover: Schlütersche.
  7. Elsesser, K. & Sartory, G. (2005) Ratgeber Medikamentenabhängigkeit. Göttingen: Hogrefe
  8. Sartory, G. (2007) Schizophrenie. Empirische Befunde und Behandlungsansätze. Heidelberg, Spektrum-Elsevier.
  9. Sartory, G. (2008) (Hrsg. 6. Auflage) Klinische Psychologie (Comer, R.J.). Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, Heidelberg.
